How to use Audio Element

How to use Audio Element

With the Audio element, you can add sound effects and background music to complement your main video as an atmosphere.

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When we successfully add the Audio element to the layer it will look like the following.

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1. Cinema8's sound library. It includes royalty-free sound effects and background music that you can use for free.

2. Button where you can download the sound file ready on your computer.

3. Choose the “Audio” you want to add.

4. It allows you to delete the selected audio file from your library.

5. After selecting your audio file, you need to click the button and save it.

Editing Audio Element Settings

When we successfully add the Audio element to the layer it will look like the following.

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1. “Audio" element attached to the layer.

Once I click on the element on my layer, the system will open the settings of the element clicked on the right side of the screen.

Editing Audio Element Settings - 1

1. The area you will name the element you added.

2. Area showing when the element will enter the screen.

3. Button that allows you to preview the video element you added.

4. Button that allows you to replace the audio in the element you added with another audio. 

Click on the "Change Audio" button. Select and save which audio you want to select instead of the current audio from the opened audio library.

5. By turning off this feature in the Audio element, you can prevent your audio file from playing at the start time.

6. Even if the audio file is not actively playing at the time it is added, it starts playing. Thus, you can capture synchronization in different languages in the projects you switch between audio files.

7. When the video is paused, also pause the audio file.

8. When the audio is complete, play the audio again.

Editing Audio Element Settings - 2

9. Stop the audio when a question pops up on the screen.

10. Select the action you want to take on the video as soon as the element is on the screen. 

Click here to see all the actions’ explanations.

11. Add the new action you want to take on the video as soon as the element is on the screen.

12. Select the action you want to do in the video when the element exits from the screen. 

Click here to see all the actions’ explanations.

13. Add the new action you want to do in the video when the element exits from the screen.

14. Button, where you can save the properties you changed.

15. Button, where you can delete the element.

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