Now let's see how we can add the Image Element.
1. Area where you can access Cinema8's own library.
2. Area you can use to search within the library.
3. Button you will use to upload the ready video on your computer to Cinema8.
4. If you want to add which of your images to your video, click once.
5. After selecting the image you want to add, you can add the image to the video by clicking the "Add" button.
Editing Image Element Settings
When we successfully add the Image element to the layer it will look like the following.
1. “Image" element attached to the layer.
Once I click on the element on my layer, the system will open the settings of the element clicked on the right side of the screen.
1. The area you will name the element you added.
2. Area showing when the element will enter the screen.
3. Area showing when the element will exit the screen.
4. Option to choose whether the element you added is visible or not.
5. Select the action you want to take on the video as soon as the element is on the screen.
6. Add the new action you want to take on the video as soon as the element is on the screen.
7. Select the action you want to do in the video when the element exits from the screen.
8. Add the new action you want to do in the video when the element exits from the screen.
9. Select the action you want to do in the video when the element clicks on the screen.
10. Add the new action you want to do in the video when the element clicks on the screen.
11. The distance of the element you added from the top of the screen.
12. The distance of the element you added from the left of the screen.
13. Width of the element you added.
14. Height of the element you added.
15. If you want to replace the image you added with another image, you need to click the button.
16. Adds a certain flashing on the screen when the element you add is clicked.
17. Select the screen in effect animation of the image you added.
18. Select the screen out effect animation of the image you added.
19. Button, where you can save the properties you changed.