Project Item Element

Project Item Element

With the Project Item element, you can add video routing cards on your video and direct your viewers to other videos with these cards.

Cinema8 Articles - Interactive Video, Project Item Element 1

We drag and drop our vehicle from the Elements list to the layer. Here comes the list of projects we have created before.

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1. If we want to add the routing card of our video with the project item element, we select that video.

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2. We save the projet item card of the video we selected to add it to our video.

Editing Project Item Element Settings

When we successfully add the Project Item element to the layer it will look like the following.

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1. “Project Item" element attached to the layer.

Once I click on the element on my layer, the system will open the settings of the element clicked on the right side of the screen.

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1. The area you will name the element you added.

2. Area showing when the element will enter the screen.

3. Area showing when the element will exit the screen.

4. Select the action you want to take on the video as soon as the element is on the screen.

Click here to see all the actions’ explanations.

5. Add the new action you want to take on the video as soon as the element is on the screen.

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6. The distance of the element you added from the top of the screen.

7. The distance of the element you added from the left of the screen.

8. Width of the element you added.

9. Height of the element you added.

10. Button, where you can save the properties you changed.

11. Button, where you can delete the element.

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