How to Use Action Elements?

How to Use Action Elements?

All interactive widgets in Cinema8 have action properties that are able to trigger some actions when they appear in the scene, disappear from the scene and they are clicked. This action list is also available in Elements panel separately named as Action.

You can add actions by drag and drop an Action widget to timeline from the Elements panel. Write a name for the widget and save. Then, on Properties panel, select an action from the Action list.

Now, Let's look at the actions in this list in detail.

How to Use Action ElementsHow to Use Action ElementsHow to Use Action ElementsHow to Use Action Elements

Pause Video

This action pauses the video at the point it was added. If there are objects you want to keep on the screen, you can pause the video with "Pause Video" and make the objects stay in front of more viewers.

Play Video

This action plays the video if the video was paused at the point it was added. This action is mostly used in the video, in the locations where the video is pause.

Jump in This Project

Jump in This Project

With this action, the video, from the second the action was added, goes to entered time. Used when you want to bounce the video from one point to another.

Action Value: The field where you need to write the time you want the video to go.

Jump to Another Project

Jump to Another Project

With this action, you can direct your video to another video and determine the start seconds of the new video.

Project: The area where you can choose another project where you want the viewer to be directed.

Start Time: The area where you will write the start time of the new video

Set Visible

Set Visible

With this action, you can make an object currently invisible in the video visible. These objects can be image, html, video, countdown or clickable area element. 

Target Track: The area where you will select the object/widget you want to make visible

Not: Before using this action, an image, html, video, countdown, or clickable area widget that you can select as a target track must be placed to the video. Also, this widget should be invisible and named.

Set Invisible

Set Invisible

With this action, you can make an object currently visible in the video invisible. These objects can be image, html, video, countdown, or clickable area element. 

Target Track: The area where you will select the object you want to make invisible

Not: To use this area, an image, html, video, countdown, or clickable element that you can select as a target for the video as soon as the action item is placed must be added to the video. This element you will also use must be visible and named.

Play Audio

Play Audio

With this action, you can start playing an audio file on your video as soon as the action is added to your video.

Target Track: The area you will select the audio file you want to play

Not: In order to use this field, an audio element that you can select as a target must be added to the video and named after the action element is placed.

Stop Audio

Stop Audio

With this action, you can stop an audio file playing on your video as soon as the action is added to your video.

Target Track: The area you will select the audio file you want to stop

Not: In order to use this field, an audio element that you can select as a target must be added to the video and named after the action element is placed.

Open URL

Open URL

With this action, the link you will write to the URL section will open in the browser as soon as the action takes place.

You are able to direct the viewer to an e-mail address by entering the e-mail address information in addition to the link redirects in this field.


#Adding a subject Subject
#Adding Body Text Subject&body=Your Body

With the word "mailto", as in the example, when the action you placed in the video takes place, the default mail application on the viewer's device will be opened and a new mail will be created with the information you entered.

Url: When the action takes place, the area where you will write the link you want to open in the browser.

Mute Video

With this action, your video will be muted in the interval in which the action element is placed.

Not: When using this feature, if you want to mute an episode in the video, you should place the action element within the period of time you want the sound to be muted.

Playback Speed

Playback Speed

With this action, you can determine the playback speed of your video from the second where the action element is placed and play your video at the selected speed in the interval you have placed.

Rewind Video

Rewind Video

This action rewinds the video from the second the action item was placed to the second you were typing.

Action Value: The field where you will write the video time you want to rewind.

Show Player Controls

With this action, show buttons in video player.

Hide Player Controls

With this action, hide buttons in video player.

Enable Play Button

With this action, at any point where the action element is added for any reason, if the video "play button" is disable, it will be active again.

Disable Play Button

With this action, at any point where the action tool is added for any reason, if the video "play button" is active, it will be disable.

Not: This feature is most often used to prevent viewers from playing the video as they want when you stop the screen. The viewer cannot click an inactive play button to play a paused video from the player bar.

Enable Pause Button

With this action, at any point where the action element is added for any reason, if the video "pause button" is disabled, it will be active again.

Disable Pause Button

With this action, at any point where the action tool is added for any reason, if the video "pause button" is active, it will be disabled.

Not: This feature is mostly used when you want to create a compulsory field for the viewer in the video. The pause button will not be active on the player in the area where you place the action and set it, so that the viewer cannot stop the video in that part.

Enable Seekbar

With this action, the player will be active again if the seekbar is disabled for any reason at the point where the action tool is added.

Disable Seekbar

With this action, for any reason at the point where the action tool is added, the player seekbar will be disabled again if it is active.

Not: This feature is mostly used when you want to create a mandatory field for the viewer in the video. The player seekbar will not be active in the area where you have placed and set the action so that the viewer cannot advance the video.

Set Variable

With this feature, you can create values using interactions within the video. For example, you memorize a button clicked in the video. You can use this information anywhere in the video with the conditional action element.

Click here to take a look at how to use the Conditional action tool. 

Execute Custom Callback

With this feature, you can create a variable and value. You can export this created value via the API and use it on other platforms.

Execute Webhook

Webhook enables you to transfer information by interacting with Cinema8 with another application in real time.

Click here to browse the document that we have explained in detail about the use of Webhook.

SCORM Set Completed

Submit "video completed" message via SCORM package.

SCORM Set Success

Submit "success" message via SCORM package.

SCORM Set Failed

Submit "failed" message via SCORM package.

SCORM Set Value

Send a value you specify from the video via the SCORM package.

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